A+ Educational Outreach Media

More than 55 million students attend our nation’s schools. They are taught by 3 million teachers—who are eager for free classroom resources.

Increase the impact of your corporate social responsibility initiatives with curriculum-driven outreach programs for K-12 classrooms.

Increase the impact of your corporate social responsibility initiatives with curriculum-driven outreach programs for K-12 classrooms.

Our innovative concept development matches your marketing objectives with state-of-the-art classroom resources that schools are eager for and welcome—with opportunities for family involvement at home.

Our educational outreach programs allow you to communicate cost-effectively with teachers, students, and families, with curriculum-friendly websites, digital Teacher Guides, E-newsletters/E-blasts, contests, and take-home parent materials.

For representative examples of our work, please review the following
case studies.

“A+ Educational Outreach Media has been invaluable in providing top-flight, in-school sponsorship services. The website and e-newsletters they’ve developed increased the response to our national science competition, year after year.”

— P.J. Simon, Former Project Administrator, DuPont Office of Education

Enjoy the many benefits of tapping our school-based outreach services!